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Nutrition Checklist

Review nutrition recommendations for your diagnosis.

Visit Nutrition Information by Diagnosis and select your cancer diagnosis for nutrition guidelines and considerations based on cancer type.

Talk to your healthcare team about supplements.

Make sure your healthcare team knows all the supplements, vitamins, and herbs you take. Do not start taking any new supplements without talking to your healthcare team first. Supplements may interfere with treatment or medications.

Stock your kitchen with healthy foods.

If possible, before treatment starts, stock your kitchen with healthy foods so you always have good food choices available. You may not feel like grocery shopping if you do not feel well. Use our Must Have Pantry List and Grocery List Worksheet to get started.

Start planning your meals.

Being planning your weekly menu to save time, effort, and money while making good food choices. Use our Meal Planning Worksheets to get started. Check our Meal Planning and Sample Menus pages for more ideas.

Track food intake and side effects.

Make a habit of tracking your food intake and side effects to help you better manage side effects and to make sure you are getting enough nutrition. Use our Food Tracking and Side Effects Log.

Know whom to contact if you experience side effects or difficulty eating.

Should you contact your oncologist, nurse navigator, or treatment center? Ask whom to contact, especially after hours, if you experience any issues. Put the name and number on your refrigerator so you can easily find it. Add it to your Healthcare Team Contact List.

How can I find a dietitian in my area for continued care?

Use the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Find an Expert locator to find registered dietitians based on your zip code or by expertise.
You can also ask your healthcare team or call your insurance provider for a referral.

Keep exploring the PearlPoint website for more nutrition resources.